Sabtu, 23 November 2019


            Nowdays the code mixing is urgently needed in the learning process for English students. Researchers are interested in taking the case “An Analysis of Using Code Mixing in Speaking English at IAIN Bukittinggi” because the need for a code mixing is especially in the learning process such as presentation papers by English education students from the first semester to sixth semeseter at IAIN Bukittinggi, to what extent the process needed a code mixing when presenting the material because not all the students were present to interpret with the material full English. So, students to understand using the boarding method so the code mixing is used.
            Furthermore, students have many problem in speaking English even though they have studied in elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school. The problem is like they can not use English in full. Their ability to speak English is also due to the lack of vocabulary they have, so they often use mixing English vocabulary codes that they do not know by replacing them using local languages. This problem allows students to break the rules for full English, but there are still some of them retaining their English without mixing language codes together with the ability to speak. So, if students still often use mixing language codes, that means their ability to speak English is low.
            Code mixing is mixing language to another language in which one is dominant while speaking (here as the presenter) with the aim of clarifying meaning and expending the action or style of language as well as the variety of languages. The code mixing divides into two parts of which Innercode mixing[1] such as normative-innormative and formal-informal situations. Outer code mixing[2] it is usedin college presentations besides English, English student tends to use a few words that replace the original (Indonesia) word into English.
            So, it could have been a study in which researchers were able to identify problems that existed in IAIN Bukittinggi especially in the English Education Department about the code mixing when presented in speaking English. Where the students using the code mixing are supposed to be able to avoid using the mixing code continiously.

[1] Variations of languages added to the original language in which the original language is the source language
[2] Foreign languages incorporated into the original language or source language

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